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Hint: Change text color:
To talk in a different colored text, type one of the following colors or effects (including the colon) followed by your text. For example, red:

black: (black)
blue: (blue)
cyan: (cyan
green: (green)
magenta: (magenta)
orange: (orange)
white: (white)
yellow: (yellow)

To do a combination, such as glow1: with wave:, type glow1:wave: followed by your text.

Hint: Easy money:
If you are a member, get to 5 Herblore. Create as many Antipoison potions as possible. Then, sell them to the general store. You will get 114 gp for each potion.

Do the quest that allows you to mine Essences. Mine as many as desired and sell them for 45 gp each.

Get your Fishing up to 40 then fish Lobsters. Get high combat (over level 50 recommended) and good armor (Adamite+ recommended), then go in the volcano on Karamja Island and kill Lessers. They drop lots of money, and sometimes Rune Med Helement. Sell the Rune Meds for 10,000 gp each.

Get to Combat level over 50, Magic 55, then get 60 gp, food (swordfish or lobsters), good armor and weapon (Adamite or Rune - recommended). Go to Karajama's Lesser Demons Pits and kill them until you get a few Rune Mediums if possible. Then, get five Fire Runes and one Nature Rune for every Rune Medium you get. Use High Alchemy on them. You will get 11,000 gp for every one you use it on. Alternately, you can get 55 Magic and 10,000 and buy one Rune Medium. Use High Alchemy on it and get 11,000 and buy another until you run out of Runes to make a 1,000 gp profit for each one.

If you are a member, go to the Gnome stronghold and pick Flax. Make them into bowstring, then sell them for 100 gp each.

Hint: Quick mining and smithing levels:
Mine nothing except tin. Once your inventory is filled, drop it all or sell it in the Dwarven mines. Once your mining level reaches 20, you can mine iron. Find the iron rocks just outside the area with the scorpions in the Dwarven mines. You can mine the rocks without much bother from the other players in the game. Mine nothing but these until you reach level 60 mining. Alternately, once you reach level 30 you can mine coal, but it is difficult, as everyone wants to mine it. At level 60, you can enter the mining guild. The guild is located at the far end of the mines, by the scorpions. Inside the guild you can mine coal very easily and smelt it quickly at the Falador Smith, just outside the mines. This will allow you smelt much faster. By this time you should be getting about 350 smithing experience for every load of coal and the other materials, and 30 mining experience for every coal rock mined.

Hint: Free items:
When you do the tutorial at the beginning, keep talking to the people that give you things. For example, with the baker that gives you water and flour, bake the bread then talk to him again. He should give you more supplies.

Hint: Tutorial Island:
You cannot die while training in combat on Tutorial Island. However, you can only raise your stats to level 3.

Hint: Genie:
Stand in front of the main kitchen doors in Lumbridge Castle for several minutes. A Genie will appear and ask what stat you want raised. Note: You can only raise one stat once.

Hint: Steel Plate:
There is a Steel Plate in the lava maze (level 40 wilderness). It is in the fenced in area with the lesser demons in it.

Hint: Best Rune weapon:
If you just get to level 40 Attack and are looking for a Rune weapon, the Rune Scimitar is recommended over the R2H. The scimitar attacks faster, therefore dealing more damage and killing opponents faster.

Have fun playing rs!