Cheat mode: Hold L + R + click Left Analog-stick
+ click Right Analog-stick, and quickly press Black(2), White, Black, White, Black, White at the main menu. Various cheat
options will appear. Note: Most cheats must be unlocked during game play.
Level skip: Press Start during
game play. Then, hold L and press Black(4), X(6), Y(3), Back. When you are at the main menu, go back and a sound will confirm
that the current chapter has been completed
Armed Rats In Part 1 Chapter 2, at the very beginning, throw
a grenade (you must cheat to have one) in the hole in the brick wall in front of you. A new objective should appear if you
select show objectives : I had declared a war against rats. Now continue the level pass the sewer and then up the stairs.
There you will find rats that will shoot at you.
Secret Room in Tutorial Mode In the last section of the
Tutorial stage,there is a secret room.Across from the Subway Entrance,you can hop up onto a few boxes and then onto a catwalk.Go
up the catwalk and jump through the window on the far left (you can easily see the room through it).Inside is a hidden room
with four painkillers,an Ingram and some ammo for it.
Secret Finale Beat the game on ''Dead on Arrival''
with no codes and you will be transfered to the ''Final Battle.'' There you will have to fight at least 20 guys in permanent
bullet time. The secret is to kill as many guys in the right corner as you can, then run to the back right corner and ''Quick
Save'' it. Then, in that hall you are now in, you will find a little indentation. Hide there and wait for the enemies to come
at you and you can kill all them and win! Once you are done, it says, ''Well Done,'' the bullet time stops and then a door
opens in the back of the level with a picture of the producers of Max Payne and such. There is also a laser that is forming
the ''Rockstar'' sign. I don't know if you can officially ''End'' the level, but if you find a way, post it here please. This
''Bonus'' level is actually pretty fun...try it out!
Secret Room on Docks Level On the Docks Level
(Part II Chapter II) shortly after you crash the Truck into the Bridge you'll come across a room with two computers,a photo
copier and a few shelves in it.In the far right corner across from the shelf,you'll find a switch.Hit it and it'll open up
a hidden pannel in the wall that will reveal more shelves that hold ammo for your weapons,grenades and some painkillers.
Room on Parking Garage Level Just before you go down the first ramp (your still outside), jump on the barrels to the
right of the entrance.Next hop on the small AC jutting out of the wall,then onto the roof.Shoot at the wall to your right
until it falls away and go into the room,then drop down the grate into the hidden room.Inside are some supplies,and if you
use the radio you can listen to some of the developers talk a bit.
Unlock "Dead On Arrival" and "New York Minute"
Game Play Modes Successfully Complete The Game On Either ''Fugitive'' or ''Hard Boiled'' GamePlay Modes.
lives! Similar to the PC version of Max Payne (according to the Max Payne for PC FAQ by Panda) The room with the ''Dopefish
lives'' poster is in part 1 chapter 7. However, unlike the PC version, to get to the room, do the following:
Go through
chapter 7 until you get to the scene where Gognitti runs down the stairs and gets stuck in from of the locked door. Once the
cut scene ends, kill enough of the baddies that you can go down the stairs safely (or just do it balls out gung-ho style guns
blazing all the way...) Once you get to the bottom, turn around and head beneith the stairs to the door. Open the door, and
presto! Dopefish