Cheat mode:
Press [Enter] to display the two player message box, type one of
the following codes, then press [Enter] again to activate the corresponding cheat function. The message "Cheat Code
Enabled" will appear to confirm correct code entry. Note: Cheats can only be enabled in single player mode and custom maps.
Effect |
Code |
Invincibility and one hit kills |
whosyourdaddy |
Full map |
iseedeadpeople |
Instant victory |
allyourbasearebelongtous |
Instant defeat |
somebodysetupusthebomb |
Continue playing after losing in campaign mode |
strengthandhonor |
Remove spell cool down |
thedudeabides |
Disable victory conditions |
itvexesme |
Gold; 500 is default |
keysersoze <number> |
Lumber; 500 is default |
leafittome <number> |
Gold and lumber; 500 is default |
greedisgood <number> |
Fast construction |
warpten |
Fast death |
iocainepowder |
No need for food |
pointbreak |
Fast research |
whoisjohngalt |
Research upgrades |
sharpandshiny |
Disable Tech Tree requirements in campaign |
synergy |
Set time to morning |
riseandshine |
Set time to evening |
lightsout |
Set time of day |
daylightsavings <1-24> |
Toggle daylight progression |
daylightsavings |
Unlimited mana |
thereisnospoon |
Trees disappear |
abrakadabra |
Your and allies heroes are level 10 |
ihavethepower |
20 footmen |
lamisilat |
Level select1 |
motherland <race> <level> |
1. Example: motherland human 7. Note: Intermission sequences are counted in the level number.
Ending bonus:
Successfully complete the game under the hard difficulty setting to see
a 20 second clip of what
StarCraft 2 characters would look like under the
WarCraft 3 engine after the credits.
Note: This movie is in-game, after they play "football" during the ending credits. Also note the Orc in a spacesuit during
that sequence.
Additionally, when you click on "Credits" in the main menu, it will detect and display whether if you have completed WarCraft
3 on normal and hard modes. If you have completed the game under the hard difficulty setting, after all the credits there
will be another sequence featuring StarCraft 2 Hydralisks attacking the roaming WarCraft 3 characters.
Log into, enter any chat room, then immediately press [Ctrl]
+ [Alt] + [F1] to display an Edgar Allen Poe poem.
View all FMV sequences:
Enter the "\warcraft iii\ movies" folder, then open the files
there with the Windows Media Player. Select "Yes" when the player asks you if you want to play the extension.
Hint: Animal kill:
Keep clicking the mouse over the deer or other animals and they
will eventually explode. Note: The explosion will not hurt anyone else.
Hint: Funny comments:
Keep clicking the mouse over various units to hear funny comments.
For example, click on the riflemen enough and he will quote Fat Bastard and say "Get in mah belly!"; the mortar teams say
"Tassadar has failed us. You must not." (a phrase from Starcraft).
The goblin demolition crews quotes Beavis from Beavis And Butthead by saying "Are you threatening me?"
An acolyte for the Undead will say "All I see is darkness; Oh wait my hood is down." An Orcish grunt will say "Quit poking
me" and other phrases that consist with you poking him.
Click on certain human units and they will quote Monty Python And The Holy Grail with comments such as "She's a
Repeatedly click the Pitlord and he will start an interview.
Hint: Change background of the Night Elf join campaign screen:
During the Night Elf
campaign, while on the join menu (where an archer is standing on the left and missions on the right), press [Alt] +
[Tab] to switch to the Windows desktop, then repeat to return to the game. What was once a background during the night
has turned into day.
Hint: Pirates:
Play the first mission of the Prologue. Enable the iseedeadpeople
code, then look at the island at the top of the map to find some pirates guarding "phat lewt".
Hint: Fight Club reference:
Play Chapter 1 of the Undead campaign.
In the main town area after you get your shade, you can find two civilians named Robert and Tyler fighting against each other
with a large crowd watching.
Hint: Rurouni Kenshin reference:
Play Chapter 2 of the Undead
campaign. Go slightly to the right of the bottom left corner to find a farmer named Kenshin. This is a reference to the main
character of Samurai X and Rurouni Kenshin.
Hint: Panda bears:
Play Chapter 2 of the Undead campaign. Enable the iseedeadpeople
code. Look at the left edge of the map until you find a waterfall. Have a unit go to the waterfall. You have to clear a path
through the trees by attacking them. When you get to the waterfall, you will find the secret Pandaren relaxation area and
see a photo of two panda bears.
Hint: Tichondrius as a sheep:
In Chapter 2 of the Undead campaign, enable the iseedeadpeople
and whosyourdaddy codes then check the map. Go slightly to the right so that if you face your enemies, it will die
quickly. Go slightly down and to the right to find a sheep named Tichondrius.
Hint: Pendent Of Energy:
Play Chapter 2 of the Undead campaign. After you get the
remains of the dead Necromancer and a short intermission sequence plays, enable the iseedeadpeople code. Look for a
very big Granite Golem just south of the first river you see. He will drop the Pendent Of Energy when defeated. He is difficult,
but it is worth the fight.
Hint: Goblin telescope:
Play Chapter 2 of the Undead campaign. There is a barn in
the bottom left of the map. There are some sheep there. If you make them explode by clicking, one of them will leave a Goblin
Telescope. To reach it, all you have to do is gain access to the site by chopping the trees nearby.
Hint: Random treasure in Undead Campaign:
Play Chapter 1 of the Undead campaign.
Along the path toward the bottom middle of the map, (just before entering the heavily guarded town), you will notice that
there are three horses surrounded by a wooden fence. There seems to be no way of reaching them. Go around and defeat the two
guards (Footman and Knight) standing in front of the building next to that "horse corral", and destroy the building next.
It will take a bit of time, but when it is destroyed, kill the horses and a treasure will appear.
Hint: Robe Of The Magi:
In Chapter 5 of the Night Elves campaign, "Brother's By Blood,"
the first main quest's path has many mushroom trees where the river separates the land masses. In the bottom right of the
land you are first on, do "Force Of Nature" on the mushrooms and send them to fight the skeletons. Move on until you see another
mushroom group in the bottom right as well. Do the same spell and move onto the small circle. Then, kill the Death Revenant
and Skeletons to receive the Robe Of The Magi, which gives a +6 bonus to intelligence.
Hint: The Shrine of Uberfish:
In Chapter 5 of the Night Elves campaign, "Brother's
By Blood," there are two main quests. The first is awakening the Druids of the Claw. In the second, freeing Illidan Stromrage,
is where this secret is located. First, enable the iseedeadpeople code reveal the entire map. In the underground prison
compound, you will see two circles of power behind some trees the patrolling guards. Send Whisperwind to the big circle, transporting
her to the Shrine of Uberfish, which contains a Mantle Of Intelligence.
Hint: Sasquatch:
Play Chapter 2 of the Undead campaign. Knock down the trees in the
curve in the path which leads to the Rogue Wizard. A path to the left will lead to an intermission featuring the Sasquatch
and Elder Sasquatch. Note: The Elder Sasquatch will leave behind a Claws Of Attack +6.
Hint: Ring Of Protection +2:
Play the "Trudging Through the Ashes" mission in the
Undead campaign. At the land where you get the Shade, is a blue barracks guarded by two knights. Kill both of them and destroy
the barracks. Then, kill all the riderless horses. One of them will drop a Ring of Protection +2.
Hint: Hungry Hungry Hippo spoof:
Play Chapter 7 of the Orc campaign. Your Tauren units
will eventually encounter a large salamander named "Hungry Hungry Lizard". Watch him as he eats the large patch of mushrooms
nearby. After he is finished, he will explode, opening a path that leads to the Lion Horn of Stormwind.
Hint: Ghosts:
Play Chapter 1 of the Human campaign. Take Arthas to the graveyard toward
the east part of the map at night. Villagers and sheep that you killed will reappear.
Hint: Book of Sam:
When using the Humans in a custom or campaign game, the hero paladin
carries a book of spells with him. This is what he looks at as he casts Holy Light. Zoom in fully on the book while performing
the spell, and the name "SAM" can be seen. Note: Timing is important, but mainly keep watching the screen.
Hint: Timmy the ghoul:
In Chapter 1 of the Human campaign, you can save Timmy from
gnolls. In Chapter 4 of the Human campaign. after your defeat the first undead town you encounter Kel Thuzad. When the intermission
ends, go to the lower path and you will see a cage. Attack the cage and a ghoul will appear, but not attack. Look at the ghouls
name to learn that it is the same Timmy that you saved. Kill the ghoul to get a random item.
Hint: Bracer Of Agility:
At the start of Chapter 3 of the Human campaign, after you
obtain Jaina, go east and kill the Ogres. Click rapidly on the sheep that the Level 5 Ogre Mauler was guarding. It will eventually
explode and drop a Bracer Of Agility.
Hint: Maul Of Strength:
On Chapter 3 of the Human campaign follow the road up until
you reach the bridge. When Archilles says you must find another way, go up the path to the east. Follow it up until you reach
the Murlocs. Keep going up until you kill the entire band of Murlocs in that small area. You will notice only one Murloc Hut.
Destroy it and you will get a Maul Of Strength.
Hint: Extra footmen:
In Chapter 5 of the Human campaign, use one of your men to go
down to the southern path where you came from. You will find three extra footmen that will aid you.
Hint: Talisman Of Evasion:
Play Chapter 6 of the Human campaign (where Mal'ganis is
killing the townspeople). Find the zoo in the west part of the map. Repeatedly click on the rat with the special name (has
100% evasion) until it explodes.
Hint: Largest Panda Ever:
Play Chapter 5 of the Night Elf campaign. Go as far right
as possible in the cavern when you begin. Search for a group of mushrooms on the right side that have a skull and bone in
the ground in front of it. Turn back if you hear the Priestess comment about the demon bile, as you have passed it. Use Force
Of Nature on the mushrooms to open a path that is littered with bones. Bring units into the to start an intermission sequence
and The Largest Panda Ever will appear and attack. Defeat it to get a Necklace Of Spell Immunity.
Hint: Hydralisk Unit from StarCraft:
When playing as Night Elves
on the Daughters Of The Moon mission in Chapter 2, just before the Undead base near the last door to the Night Elves base,
you will get tree Ballista. Use the Ballista to hit the trees to the north and you will find a powerful Hydralisk (level 7)
that will join you against the Undead base. If you cannot find it, enable the iseedeadpeople code to view the entire
Hint: More units in Undead campaign:
Click on an animal until it would normally explode.
It will instead turn into a unit.
Hint: Build army of heroes:
In Chapter 5 of the Undead campaign, Fall Of Silvermoon,
you are able to create an army of heroes (maximum is usually 3). You must complete the optional quest. First, destroy Sylvanas'
base leaving at least one Human Peasant alive. After the outro sequence, you can build Banshees. Create one, and send her
to the Mana shrine in the middle island so that she can quickly gain 250 Mana. Then, command her to take control of the Peasant.
Build a Town Hall and upgrade it to a Castle. Then, build an Altar Of Kings. You may now build as many heroes as desired,
as long as your upkeep can support it.
Hint: Build other race's units and buildings as Undead:
Play the Undead in a custom
or multi-player game. Use a Banshee with the Posses ability to take over a Peasant or Wisp. This gives you the ability to
build that race's units and construct their buildings. This also gives you access to train their heroes.
Use an Undead Banshee or a Dark Ranger to convert a Peon, Peasant, Wisp, or Acolyte to your side. You can now make their
buildings and create their units and heroes.
Use the Banshee's ability to posses others or the Scepter Of Majesty to control another species' Peasant, Wisp, Acolyte,
or Peon. Once their unit that constructs buildings is captured, enable the whosyourdaddy code to make yourself invincible.
You can now use that basic unit that you have controlled to build another type of building. Note: The Altar of another player
that you built will not create their heroes. Also, if you have controlled the undead and your ground is covered in blight,
if you build a human building on it, it would turn into dirt.
Hint: Protect your base from ground units as Undead:
Start off by creating Shades
as soon as the game begins. Have them at the entrance to your base and stand their ground. Since they are invisible, no one
can kill them and ground units will be able to get by them. This also works with trapping Heroes. Surround a hero and he will
be stuck.
Hint: Find enemy easily as Undead in multi-player mode:
To find an enemy easily without
them knowing, play as the Undead and create a Banshee. Try to find a sheep or a pig. Use Possess and you will have control
of the animal. They are slow, but if you walk it into an enemy's base, they will think it is a regular sheep or pig.
Hint: Easy Infernal Golem kill:
In campaign mode, Infernal Golems count as summoned
unit (even though they do not die due to time limit). Thus, you can use magic such as Dryad Abolish Magic to kill them easier.
Hint: Delay Archimonde's ascent:
Use the following trick to delay Archimonde's ascent
for two to five minutes. Before Jaina's base gets overrun, maximize your food supply limit with Archers and station them all
on the pathway between Jaina's base and Thrall's base. When Jaina's base is overrun, and your Archers are in the Undead's
attack range, Archimonde will send wave after wave of Ghouls after your Archers. The large number of Archers should hold off
any Undead attack for a few minutes. If your used up food becomes less than 30, then retreat all your forces to Thrall's base.
Hint: Mind control:
There is an item called the Scepter Of Mastery dropped by any
level 10 Dragon. Use this to control other races except Heroes andneutral enemies above level 6. Note: It can only be used
three times and by Heroes.
Hint: Build over supply limit as Night Elves:
When you reach the supply limit (90
food), you cannot build any more units. However, when you build Ancient Buildings, it eliminates 1 food, thus allowing you
to build more units. When you cancel your Ancient Building, you will have your 1 food supply back, getting you over the supply
Hint: Nearly Invincible army for Night Elves:
First, build a large amount of Wisps
then make them all into Ancients Of Protection. Continue to do this as long as desired. Once the Wisps are the Protectors,
they do not count on the food limit. When your army of Protectors is ready, build as many units as possible and keep them
in reserve (preferably the archers). When you are ready to attack, uproot all of the Protectors you made. Note: This army
moves incredibly slow, and if the other players attack while you are on the move you probably will not get back in time to
Hint: Hiding as Night Elves:
Note: This trick only works at night and for units with
the Hide ability (Priestess of Moon, Archers, Huntress). Use a Ballista (if desired) to knock down trees in a middle of a
forest, then place the units with the Hide ability inside the area of trees. Block the entrance with Moon Wells. It is possible
use Sentinels and the Scout to see ahead. The forest area should be where the enemy passes. When the enemy appears, they will
get killed by the Archers. If they manage to attack, the Moon Wells will heal your units. The Huntresses are used mainly for
emergency purposes, such as for units that take down trees and attacks from behind.
Hint: Base defense as Night Elves:
Take any kind of Night Elf base (Tree Of Ages,
Tree Of Eternity, etc.) in multi-player mode and send it to an area where there are a lot of trees. Use the Eat Tree ability
and get in as far as you can without revealing the path to your enemy. Once your opponent takes out your base, he will give
up looking for you. For better results research Nature's Blessing and make sure you use a Tree Of Ages that you are expanding
with, rather then the one your opponent is using. When you use the Eat Tree ability, remember to be very discrete so your
opponent does not see it.
Hint: Recommended Hero for Orcs:
Choose the spell casting Hero if possible as your
first Hero. His Chain Lightning spell is very powerful.
Hint: Sorceress transformation:
At the intermission sequence featuring the Archmage
and the Prophet, in the background are two sorceresses floating around. One of them will turn the other into a sheep.
Hint: Easy zoom:
You can zoom in to a 3D actual view of the world by scrolling up
with your center mouse wheel, then scrolling down to go back to a top view.
Hint: Easy experience:
There are always monsters near your base. Defeat them to gain
about 120 experience points.
Hint: Puppy face on Demon Hunter blade:
Zoom in on a Demon Hunter that is facing
you and look at his blade. It had a small puppy face in the middle.
Glitch: Unlimited building:
Play the Undead campaign Chapter 5, Fall Of Slivermoon.
First, destroy Sylvana Windrunner base. When the base is destroyed you will be able to make a new type of unit called a Banshee.
After you get a Banshee, get her mana to 250 and use the Possession ability to take control one of the enemy's peasants. You
be able to build all the enemy's units, and have unlimited human heroes if you build an Altar Of Kings with the controlled
peasant. Also some builds can be stacked.