This is the first "real boss" you fight in the game. There are 3 light zones, and 3 more shootable light crystals.
Get into a habit of scanning every boss you come across, cause you never know if the scan will open a weak point in the creature.
What it does first, is in its light worm form, jump up from the ground and over your head. This gives you a great chance
to hit it and knock all its armor off. Once you do, it will attach itself to the big dark sphere in the middle of the arena.
When it does this, it will turn into, you guessed it, "dark amorbis", and grow some new armor and a big needle like
mask. First, take out the needle mask thing. If it incapacitates the light crystal you're in, run to another one; dont just
stand there. After you destroy the mask thing, it will try to eat you. Roll into a ball and let it eat you. Then give it
a few bombs. Itll vomit you up and loose its intire new set of armor, then fall of the sphere and for some reason, it damages
the sphere. Then there will be 2 worm forms in the sand, popping up and diving under the sand with armor. Kill the armor
on them and there will be 2 worms on the dark sphere in the center of the arena. You know what to do. After that, there
will be 3 worms diving in and out of the sand, then, you guessed it, there will be 3 worms on the dark sphere. After you
kill all 3 of em, the sphere will rupture and you'll get a new suit! The dark suit! It'll help withstand the poisonous effects
of dark anther's atmosphere. (Could have used that during the battle eh?)
Any questions? AIM: sephclone14