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Here the 411 on the newest enemy that has been added to the covenant armada. They are the giant creatures deemed holy by the covenant called Brutes.

If you are in a closed area (small room, hall way, etc.) then hold only 1 weapon, so you can throw grenades. If you are in a open area (big room, outside, forest, etc.) than have 2 weapons in hand because grenades will be useless.

Dual Wielding
These are the following weapons that can be Dual Wielded.

1. Human Pistol (Weaker)
2. Plasma Pistol
3. SMG
4. Needler (Stronger)
5. Plasma Rifle
6. Covenant

When you dual wield you are bringing death to your enemies, but the bad thing bout dual wielding is that you can not throw grenades, Melee attack, and reloading takes much longer.

Weapons List and Hints
Here is a Complete list of the weapons:

x:can dual
h:can head shot
z:can zoom once
z:can zoom twice
l:can lock on
s:Splash damage
b:uses a battery(non reloadable)
sp: Single player only

1.Magnum(pistol) x,h
2.SMG x
3.Battle Rifle z
4.Shotgun s
5.Sniper Rifle 2z,h
6.Rocket Launcher l,s
7.Plasma pistol x,b
8.Plasma rifle x,b
9.Brute plasma rifle sp,x,b
10.Covenent Carbine 2z
11.Brute shot s
12.Needler x,l
13.Covenent sniper rifle 2z,h,b
14.Fuel rod cannon s,sp
15.Sword l

All weapons without an actual zoom have some kind of zoom with no targeting reticle. Shooting pulls you out of it.
The battle rifle shoots 3 rounds at a time The shotgun splash is actually the multiple bullets it sends flying The rocket launcher can lock on on vehicles (or subsystems like on the cov transports) by holding the right trigger down. The brute plasma rifle is a speeded up version of the conventional one but also overheats faster and its red. (i prefer normal version.) The carbine is the covenant equivalent of the battle rifle which shoots one shot at a time. The Brute shot fires grenades which can be compared with frags but with less splash and damage and it has a wicked blade to dish out some pain at a short distance. The needler shoots needle that automatically homes in on target but can be easily avoided at long range but mortal when dual wielding at close to medium range. 7 or more needles in the body creates an explosion that will kill most targets. The covenant sniper rifle can overheat while his human counterpart wont. The fuel rod is a splash machine...better not be to trigger happy in close range with that. The sword is by far my favorite weapon because you can "lock on" in a certain distance and leap for the kill. Someone a high ledge given you trouble? If you can lock onto him hes toast.

Be The Gunner
Get to a 'Hog and jump in the gunner/passenger seat and let the marines drive. It will be x2 more effective than you driving (it depends on your skill).