Metroid Prime 2: Echoes boss strategy: Boost Guardian
The boost guardian is quite annoying if you don't know what youre doing. First, he will act like a regular ing, sometimes
in solid form, sometimes in gooey liquid form. After you shoot him around for a while, he'll morph into a morph ball and
he'll use your boost ball feature to bounce around the room like a pinball. If he touches you itll hurt, but you probably
could have guessed that. Either evade him and wait for him to liquefy into an odd brownish color or morph into a ball and
lay bombs around him. Whenever he liquefies, keep in front of the glob at all times and lay bombs so that he runs into them
directly. Repeat process until he turns into his solid spider-ish form. He is now venerable for attack, gun him down while
killing the inglets and getting the energy to keep your energy from depleting. Now keep repeating this process until he's
dead, but dont forget the inglets, they may be annoying but you can use them to your advantage.