Easy money: When bees appear from trees, take
out your butterfly net and face the beehive. If you can catch a bee, you can sell it for $4500.
Place orange furniture
to the north, green furniture to the south, yellow furniture to the west, and red furniture to the east part of your house.
Note: This trick requires a Game Boy Advance and a link cable. Play the game with the Game Boy Advance attached. Collect
as much fruit as possible and travel all the way to the south. Go the pier at the beach. A Kappa will be there and will to
bring you to a new island to the south. Get to the new island and drop all of your fruit. Return to the Kappa and leave. Transfer
the island to the Game Boy Advance. On the Game Boy Advance, knock on the door to the house of the island animal. After it
appears, move a piece of fruit in front of the animal. It will eat it and become happy. Keep repeating this until the animal
drops money bags. Feed all your fruit to the animal, then put your Game Boy Advance on standby. Resume the game on the GameCube.
Go back to town, then return and talk to the Kappa again. Your game will now be updated with the Game Boy Advance data. Travel
back to the island and collect the money bags.
Golden Axe: Get
your town rating to be "Perfect" for two entire weeks. The Golden Axe is indestructible.
Golden bug net To
get the golden bug net, catch one of every kind of bug.
Golden Fishing Pole You can earn a Golden Fishing
Pole by catching at least one of each fish.
Golden Shovel To get the Golden Shovel find a "glowing spot"
and bury a normal shovel in the hole you dig. A golden sapling will appear. After it has matured you will have a Golden Shovel.
When using this shovel you become more likely to dig up better items and larger sums of money from the "glowing spots".
Rock Every day, one rock in your village will turn into a treasure rock. Walk up to a rock and hit it with your shovel.
If it turns red, quickly hit it again -- up to seven times if you're fast enough. Each time, a money bag will come flying
out. The first few bags will be 100 Bell bags, but soon you'll hear the Mario extra life chime -- which means these bags contain
1,000 Bell. After the rock changes color again, it goes back to being a regular rock.
Money Tree Find a
glowing spot, and bury the money bag found from it in that hole. A sapling will appear there now, and within a few days, you'll
have a tree you'll be able to shake money out of (money tree). Feng-Shui Mysteries Are you familiar with the ancient
art of Feng-Shui? Who would have guessed that it even applies to Nintendo's Animal Crossing? It's all about how you arrange
your furniture in your house.
Orange colored furniture in the North Yellow furniture in the West Red furniture
in the East Green furniture in the South What does this do?
It increases your chances with getting lots of cash
and items -- so try to use Feng-Shui whenever possible.
Bee Catcher You've done it before -- you've
shaken a couple of trees to find some cash, and out comes a whole swarm of bees and does a "remodeling" job on your face...
Painful. But did you know that you can actually catch the bees and make some money? It's a bit tricky as the bees move fast,
but after you've shaken a tree and a bee's hive has fallen out, immediately switch to the butterfly net and turn towards the
hive. Time it right and hit the button and you will catch a single bee, worth 4,500 bucks. Not bad, huh? There are three swarms
of bees hidden on the map every day, so you can make some big bucks if you go bee hunting.
Secret K.K.
Slider Songs
There are three secret songs in Animal Crossing that Totakeke won't play unless you request them.
They are: I Love You K.K. Song Two Days Ago
Reset Follies Don't ever hit the reset
switch when playing this game. If you do, the next time you play you will be chastized by Mr. Resetti, an angry mole. He will
lecture you on how there is no reset button in real life -- so you shouldn't use it in this game either. Mr. Reset's rant
takes quite a while to get through, but that's nothing compared to what happens when you hit reset again... His complaints
will get longer and longer and he will even force you to apologize (which requires you to manually enter your apology via
the on-screen keyboard).
Win NES Games Animal Crossing features an even bigger variety of NES games
than its N64 counterpart. You have to be lucky to get your hands on them though. There are several ways to get new games:
* Be the first. The first player to start a character on the included Animal Crossing Memory Card will receive a letter
from Nintendo after all initial chores are done. The letter includes a grab bag with three items, two of which are NES games.
To move a present attached to a letter to your inventory, align your cursor on top of the letter, then press L to grab it.
Drag it to the inventory, then click on it with A and select "Open Present". To open the grab bag that's inside, simply select
it with A when you're OUTSIDE a building. Do not try to open bags inside your house. It won't work.
* Enter the monthly
lottery at the Tanuki Store on the last day of the month. You get a lottery ticket for every major purchase you make at the
store (stationary and plants don't count). Every five tickets let you play in the lottery once, so be sure to collect a bunch
of them. Note that lottery tickets don't carry over to the next month. They're only good for the current month. Prizes in
the lottery vary from month to month, so don't give up if you don't find any NES games the first time you enter the lottery.
* Check your mailbox on Christmas Eve. Every player gets an NES game as a Christmas present.
* Get a game
for your birthday. Don't only ask animals if you can run chores for them -- use the second "conversation" option as well.
At one point, one of your animals will ask you for your birthday and blood type. This animal will drop by your house on your
birthday and personally deliver a new NES game.
* Have your Animal Island villager dig. Leave him your shovel, then
bribe him with fruit later if he finds a game.
* There are other ways to get your hands on emulated classics, so keep
your eyes and ears open.
3,500 Bells: If you hit a rock with your shovel, sometimes it will turn red
knocking money out. Keep hitting it until you don't get any more money. You should get about 3,500+ bells from a single rock.
Note: If you dig holes around you, the kickback won't be so harsh and you will be able to get more bells.
Golden Tree: Get a golden tree! First get two shovels. Find a gold piece of
earth. Then plant one shovel in the gold spot. A gold sapling will sprout! NOTE: Don't plant it too close to a tree, rock
or house or it won't grow